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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday and why I hate it...

What the Fuck? Black Friday and the following 2 days are the most painful days of the year... A day filled with car-loads of Assholes (mostly women) up at the ass-crack of dawn to fight,bitch-slap and, gnaw their way to some fucking holiday deal. Jesus Fuck what the hell is wrong with you? Do you realize exactly how much of a fuck-tard you're being? Blocking traffic for the rest of the USA that travel to work at the ass-crack of dawn-when we don't want to be awake. I get up at 0400 hours just to make a living and you stupid cunts are out motoring around in the dark-fucking up the whole works like you're all the Queen-Bees. Go fuck yourself and the Tampon you're riding on and go the fuck back to bed.